Our First Post! – BapronBaby
Our First Post!

Our First Post!

Our First Post!

With BapronBaby's first birthday fast approaching, I've decided to kick my website-building skills into high gear! (And by high gear I mean an awkward crawl.  lol)

Dreamcatcher Bapron Flat Lay Image

We will be doing giveaways, sales, and releasing lots of new product over the next few weeks to celebrate!  Not to give away all of our best secrets, but we may or may not be getting together with a few of the biggest and baddest small shops on IG for a birthday party giveaway that will knock your socks off!

If you're a blogger, and you love BapronBaby, send us an email!  We'll be scheduling some guest blogger articles from here on and it'd be fun to get a unique take on why you love our products so much.  

Thank you for your support!  This new site is changing daily, so be sure to let me know if you spot any bugs.  We hate bugs at my house, so I'll do my best to squash them right away.

XO, Kels

Red Rose Baby Bib with Olive Binding

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